How can electrical & magnetic currents improve health and enhance recovery?


Enhance Recovery With Electrical and Magnetic Currents Text on a Blue Background With Grey Bolt Outline

How can electrical & magnetic currents improve health and enhance recovery?

Every cell in the body has a measurable difference in electrical voltage across the outer cell membrane. This voltage is called the trans-membrane potential and it powers proper cell function, regulating the intake of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cell.โฃโฃ

Nobel prize winner, Otto Von Warburg, confirmed that normal & healthy cells have trans-membrane potentials of approximately 70 to 100 millivolts. While fatigued, impaired, and sick, cells exhibit progressively lower voltages, which drop to as low as 15 millivolts in cancerous, diseased cells.

The BioCharger platform generates a rich electromagnetic energy field that bathes the whole body simultaneously, from head to toe โ€“ brain matter to bone marrow. This field replicates a full spectrum of natural frequencies that exist in the terrestrial atmosphere all around us, all the time. Each molecule, cell, or organ of the body has a unique electromagnetic frequency and signature, so if a cell or organ is imbalanced, its normal frequency is slightly altered and detuned. By broadcasting a rich electromagnetic field that inherently includes each cellโ€™s normal healthy frequencies, the BioCharger re-introduces the optimum energy blueprint and its optimal resonate frequency.โฃโฃ

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