Practicing mindfulness


A Group Of People Sitting on the Ground Enjoying a BioCharger Session

Practicing mindfulness

Three ways you can practice mindfulness today!

Here are three different ways that you can practice mindfulness right here, right now (and in five minutes or less!)

✨Unclench your jaw, release your shoulders, maybe close your eyes, and take five very long breaths in and out.⁣

✨Walk away from your computer or phone screen and spend five minutes in a new environment, even if it’s just from your home office to your kitchen. Let your mind reset.⁣

✨Get outside for five minutes, even if that means standing in the parking lot of your office building or on your cozy apartment patio. Let some fresh air rejuvenate you.⁣ ⁣

“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.”

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