A tale of dedication, diligence, distinction, and ingenuity.
Jim Girard, Jim Law, and Colin Bester each grew up in homes that valued honesty, health, and most of all, family. All three, inquisitive by nature, with a love for the outdoors and anything motorized, spent the majority of their time riding dirt bikes, fixing go-karts, and launching backyard rockets. The three adventurous boys all recall having a defining moment in their lives that lead them to believe they could have anything they wanted if they worked for it. Little did they know about what destiny had in store for them.
From different parts of the world, Jim G, Jim L, and Colin were each on the path to the BioCharger, a bio-technology they would invent to change the world.
In 1985, Jim Girard bought his first Tesla coil, embarking on the journey to develop the BioCharger, while on opposite sides of the world, Colin and Jim Law were pushing the limits of entrepreneurship and engineering. Jim L and Colin would go on to meet and found a company called Site Controls.
Jim L. and Jim G. would meet through their sons, who grew up together, realizing both men shared a passion for all things mechanical. Colin became interested in the connection between health and engineering through The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker.
All three men would find themselves in a room, through nothing short of fate, where Colin is distinctly remembered as saying, “I don’t know what you have, but you don’t have nothing,” standing before Jim Girard’s odd-looking box of electricity-filled coils, and noble gases. The three assumed their roles: Jim G, the scientist; Jim L, the entrepreneur; Colin, the engineer.
From this point forward, Jim Girard’s health-inspired technological fantasy would be known as the BioCharger NG, and the three men together, as Advanced BioTechnologies (ABT).
Early prototyping was hindered primarily by electromagnetic interference (dirty energy). From the whiteboard to getting shocked, to burning a hole in the plastic outer enclosures of the early prototypes, and back to the whiteboard, commercializing the BioCharger brought out the youthful inventiveness of the three founders. From a fully-enclosed concrete basement for safety and testing purposes in 2013, to backstage at a Dierks Bentley concert in 2019, ABT managed to engineer a culmination of health and technology, now known and loved by thousands of people across the world.
The BioCharger, now a mature product with a phenomenal and devout community of supporters, experts, and enthusiasts, is built and manufactured in Texas with an emphasis on quality and innovation. The standard of manufacturing excellence ABT holds itself to includes its software, which is designed to support the current and future needs of its growing community through innovative platforms such as myCloud. At the heart of ABT is a love and dedication to health, continued education, innovation, and community.
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